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Posts tagged ‘mersyndol’

what a day – the other kind :(

So, Miss I’m So Awesome, I Have  A Plan woke up and discovered she could not move.  Not a ‘I don’t feel like it‘ can’t move.  But ‘OMG am I dying?!’ can’t move.  Turns out I had slept very well and pinched my sciatica.  Pain was centralised in the hip region with shooting kill me now pain going down my leg & up through my back.  Sadly this is not my first experience, so with my beloved iphone at hand, I called in the calvary.  Finally stretched and limbered enough to be able to unfold from my fetal sleep position, it was straight into the shower for some heat relief.  As I started to feel the sharp edge fade, I remembered I had a dentist appointment that morning. Let’s face it – I’m not scared of the dentist, heck I was a dental receptionist at one point of my life, so all those scary things have been demystified for me.  But, no-one ever likes going to the dentist.

Shower, Dencorub, heat packs and coffee – I was now safely ensconced downstairs in a chair with my frown on.  Three days of The Plan and I was then thwarted by my own body.  It felt so damn traitorous!

So, with the pain much reduce -thank you Mersyndol, I toddled off to the dentist.  I was a tad bit worried, as I hadn’t had a check-up or clean for over a year (I had been living in USA and, well, it’s just not cheap over there, so I waited until I came home).  Add to that, I hadn’t been very diligent with the flossing, which apparently is very important.  HOWEVER!  The dentist told me that I had very good teeth.  He wished more patients had teeth like me.  I need a fissure seal on one tooth (to be done next weeks) & a bit of a scale & clean, which they did straight away.  And he finished off with telling me – “I’m a good girl.”  YAY for me.  Baby, you can bet your bottom dollar I am gonna use that for all it is worth.  I’m a good girl.  Yep.  I don’t care what any of y’all say – I’m a good girl.  Sigh, yes, being over, hrm, ummm… 30 (shhhh!) and being called girl from someone who was my own age was a lil bit condescending, but I’ll take what I can get.

Anyways, it’s 10.30pm and my bed is calling me – it’s tough being a good girl in a heck of lotta pain.  So another Mersyndol, a prayer asking no more nasty wake-ups and it’s off to bed.   Hoping to be able to get back out on the road again tomorrow.  OH!  Going to the dentist – another thing crossed off my list of things I Must Accomplish.  See – good girl 😉